Early Intervention Routines

10 Bath time Activities for a Sensory Seeker

Gross motor heavy work is hard to do during a bath, but fine motor heavy work is doable. After providing him with the following activities, his need for sensory input was satisfied by the work with his hands and exposure to texture.

Early Intervention Routines

Food Stays at the Table: How to Choose Your Battles and Adjust the Environment

When a child is having difficulty changing her behavior, try changing the environment. 

Early Intervention Routines

Little Boy Haircut Tips: a Mom’s Guide

Following these tips and embracing a “good enough” mentality can turn haircut day from a struggle into a regular routine to look forward to.

Early Intervention Routines

Brown Noise: A Sleep Solution

Brown noise is a funny name, but it’s awesome for blocking out household sounds. I highly recommend the sound machine, but if your zoo–I mean, home is especially loud during a baby’s bedtime, you have another louder solution in a basic CD player.